Sweet Spot Thinking is our tool against positioning constraints in saturated markets
Head over Heart?
All decisions are made in a tension-field between information and inspiration. Every person, every brand and every situation has its own perfect balance.
Sweet Spot Thinking graphically depicts a person's inner decision-making space. This mindspace is a complex psycho-energy field. The positions of specific providers and brands and human striving for "passive" decisions become visible. This sounds paradoxical, but it is not: we make "passive" decisions in the sweet spot of a market. Here, all influencing factors are balanced and we buy in an autopilot mindset.
In short: a decision without deciding. It's convenient, it's safe and it's often the position of the market leader. But not always: the art of positioning consists of using a meaningful positioning idea at each "point" in the positioning space, the respective BRAND SWEET SPOTS. Sweet Spot Thinking tells you how these positions are psychologically defined. That's the good news.
The bad news: Sweet Spot Thinking is a process that takes at least 8 weeks.
We know that most interested parties are not interested in the background. Their motto is: if it works, it doesn't matter why and we won't recommend it to anyone - we'll keep it to ourselves.
For those who like to go in depth and simply need to know everything, we outline our behavioral model as follows: Sweet Spot Thinking draws from Gestalt theory and phenomenology, based on Köhler and Lewin's field theory. The model is based on C.G. Jung's analytical psychology, as the two central influencing forces, Facts Force and Fiction Force, work in the sense of archetypal patterns. In our experience, people make decisions in this psychological force field. C.G. Jung's thoughts on the basic energies of Animus and Anima are translated by us into Facts Force and Fiction Force. Analogous to C.G. Jung, we see these processes as part of the collective memory.
On the basis of an institute-internal meta-analysis, we have identified the two fundamental influencing variables that make up the force field. In the customer-specific application, we can overlay the general positioning space with the market-specific influencing variables so that we obtain a brand-specific positioning message as a result.
Head over heart? This question arises again and again.